Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nickerson Street Road Diet to Move Forward

According to The Fremont Neighborhood blog and SDOT’s own updates, yesterday was to be the first day of work on the Nickerson Street diet. However a drive-by yesterday afternoon exposed little if anything had been done.

SDOT update at 2:30pm on July 26, 2010: The contractor plans to mobilize today and set up the no parking signs. Either this afternoon or tomorrow they will begin preliminary layout of the new channelization. Once they have completed the preliminary layout, SDOT will review and approve the layout prior to the permanent pavement markings. Grinding or removal of the existing pavement markings and installation of the permanent pavement markings are scheduled to begin on Monday, August 2.

SMBC and local residents continue to be vehemently opposed to this project. The city’s own studies show that it will do nothing to make the street any safer—for pedestrians or bicyclists.

We will continue to follow the issue, and ask that you document negative impacts on your business or your personal life over the next several weeks. As those impacts become apparent, please share them with me, and with the Seattle City Council, Peter Hahn, the city’s transportation director, and the mayor. I can be reached at Peter@RHPPublishing.com. Council members and city employees can be reached at: first name.last name@seattle.gov